Pro Pinball - The Web FAQ

The game runs too fast with my Matrox Mystique card.

I try to install the game and it says 'unable to run loader'.

The game says 'please insert Web CD-ROM', but it's already inserted!

Where can I download the update from?

The game runs too fast with my Matrox Mystique card.

1. Click with the right-mouse button on the desktop.

2. Click on Properties.

3. Click on Matrox Settings.

4. Click on Advanced.

5. Click on 'Enable page-flipping during vertical blanks'.

6. Click on OK.

7. Click on OK.

8. Restart the computer.

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I try to install the game and it says 'unable to run loader'.

This means that in the past you didn't uninstall The Web properly.

1. Click on Start.

2. Click on Run.

3. Type REGEDIT in the text box.

4. Click on OK.

5. Double-click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

6. Double-click on SOFTWARE.

7. Double-click on EMPIRE.

8. Double-click on PRO-PINBALL.

9. Click on THE_WEB.

10. Press Delete.

11. Click on OK.

12. Close REGEDIT.

13. Restart the computer.

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The game says 'please insert Web CD-ROM', but it's already inserted!

You need to download the Mac update.

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Where can I download the update from?

Download the PC update.

Download the Mac update.

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